Prince Mahidol Award Foundation under Royal Patronage
In collaboration with
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital and Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Organize the press conference on
The result of the Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program scholarship recipients 2009
On 9 February 2010 at 10:30 hrs. Clin Prof Supat Vanichakarn, Secretary General of Prince Mahidol Award Foundation under Royal Patronage; Mr. Chainarong Keratiyutwong, Director of Press Division, Representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Prof Vicharn Panich, Chairman of Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program Steering Committee; Assoc Prof Apichat Asavamongkolkul, Chairman of Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program Working Committee; and Prof Wanchai Wanachiwanawin, Chairman of Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program Selection Committee, together issue a press release on the names of the 1st Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program scholarship recipient for 2009 at Prince Mahidol’s room, 2nd floor of Syamindra Building, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University.
The names of three scholarship recipients of Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program are as follows:
1. Miss Kanokwaroon Watananirun
2. Miss Juthaporn Assawachananont
3. Miss Pennapa Kaweewongprasert
Twenty-two applicants from 10 institutes were nominated for Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program in 2009. Only 12 successful applicants meet the criteria of Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program. The Selection Committee selected the scholarship recipients and presented to the Board of Trustee which HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn is a President. The final decision had been made on 27 November 2009.
Prince Mahidol Award Youth Program has been established on 20 November 2008 according to the 2nd/2008 consensus of the Prince Mahidol Award Foundation Committee. The program aims to inspire and to facilitate Thai youths studied in the health fields to pursue their dedicated life for the benefit of mankind following the footsteps of HRH Prince Mahidol of Songkla.
The steering committee, the working committee, and the selection committee are responsible to select the applicants who meet the criteria of the program, and present their names to the Board of Trustee which HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn is a President, for a final decision.

The successful applicants will obtain a scholarship for research study, professional training or community development abroad or in the country with full support for 12-month overseas placement. The period of overseas placement of the scholarship recipients will be considered as a part of their three-year working period for the government of Thailand.

Miss Kanokwaroon Watananirun
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University
Miss Kanokwaroon Watananirun is currently enrolled as a sixth year medical student at the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital. She is interested in doing a research entitled “Unplanned teenage pregnancy prevention” which is one of the significant problems in Thailand needed to be solved seriously. If a teenager gets pregnant while she is immature, there will be lots of problem following herself, a newborn, and the family, as well as the society. As a result, health problem, social problem, and economical problem will follow as a chain. This problem contains many complicated factors which many organizations try to solve but not seen concretely yet. However, Kanokwaroon feels that this is the time to solve this problem in order to see the concrete result.
Kanokwaroon received a number of honor and awards as follows :
2008: President of Siriraj Medical Students Association
2007: Receptionist of Siriraj Medical Students Association
2007: Join one-month medical student exchange program of IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Association) to study at AKH Hospital in Vienna, Austria
2007: Represent Thai medical students to attend the General Assembly (August Meeting) of IFMSA in the United Kingdom
2006: Assistant receptionist of Siriraj Medical Students Association
2005: Chief of 2nd year medical student class

Miss Juthaporn Assawachananont
Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University
Miss Juthaporn Assawachananont is currently enrolled as a sixth year medical student at the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University. She is interested in doing research entitled “Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS) in neurological disease”. Juthaporn loves to search for medical knowledge. She discovers and is enchanted by the medical advancement especially in the stem cell which is a hope for the disease that nowadays cannot be cured by medicine, operation or other means.
Jutahporn received many honor and awards as follows :
2008: Vice-President of Home Coming Organizing Committee for medical graduates, Chulalongkorn University
2007: Consultant to the editor and coordinator of 60 years of Chula class book
2005: Represent Thai medical students to attend the medical students exchange program of IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Studetns’ Association)
2005: In charge of medical students exchange programs of AMSA (Asian Medical Student Association)
2004: Attend the meeting of the 1st Asian Medical Students Association of Thailand
2007: Receive a certificate of the first rank of university entrance of the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, and the highest score in medicine and the highest percentage of cumulative score in every subject
2004: Receive the government scholarship to study Economics for Bachelor and Master’s degree in USA (however, decided to pursue medicine due to the love of medical profession)

Miss Pennapa Kaweewongprasert
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University
Miss Pennapa Kaweewongprasert is currently enrolled as sixth year medical student at the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University. She is interested in doing research entitled “Development of sexuality health & HIV/AIDS medical care services for youth and adolescent” HIV/AIDS is a significantly chronic problem in Thailand that should be solved. She has a strong desire to help lifting up the standard of Thai health care system up to the international standard.
Pennapa received honor and awards as follows :
2009: International Federation Medical Student Association (IFMSA) representative in 62th Session of the Regional Committee for WHO South-East Asia, Nepal and International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction and the ASEAN Disaster Management Day at United Nation, Thailand
2009: Nominate Thailand as a host for IFMSA General Assembly in March 2010 in the IFMSA meeting in Tunesia, which Thailand won with the voting scores of 51:2
2008: Selected to be IFMSA-Thailand-President, Present a research paper on “Anti-Tobacco project”. Her paper was selected by the International IFMSA as 1 of 45 projects from 200 projects, to be presented in the IFMSA General Assembly in Mexico, and also received the third prize award for the Best Presentation which was the first time Thailand received this award.
2007: President of IFMSA of Thailand
2007: Local Vice chair person 2nd ACTION Project [Asian Collaborative Training On Infectious, Outbreak Disaster and Refugee Management ], Tsunami Phuket Thailand , Founder/1st President of Siriraj medical museum club, Join the Global Medical Curriculum Survey project
2007: Vice-President Assistant of Siriraj Medical Students Association
2006: Attend one-month student research exchange at Toxicology Institute, Hannover University, Germany
2004: President of the first year medical students |